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  • Project : Solar Reservoir Irrigation System (SRIS)
  • Manufacturer : JLS Origin Limited
  • Location : Bomo Village, Kaduna, Nigeria
  • Energy Source : Solar

Solar Reservoir Irrigation System (SRIS)

Is a solar powered underground water source irrigation system that is used in agriculture for abstraction and distribution of water to the soil.

SRIS uses "Drip Irrigation" method to deliver water directly to the roots of the plants, reducing evaporation and runoff. Water is emitted directly into the soil through a network of pipes and emitters. Compared to other irrigation methods, drip irrigation is highly efficient if properly designed, installed, operated, and maintained/managed.

A unit of Solar Reservoir Irrigation System (SRIS) if deployed, can serve up to 30 smallholders and commercial farmers with more than 10 (ten) hectares of land irrigated.


Smallholder farmers in rural areas face significant challenges in accessing reliable and affordable irrigation systems, leading to reduced crop yields, lower incomes, and increased food insecurity. Traditional irrigation systems are often fuel-powered, expensive, and environmentally unsustainable. Natural sources, which are commonly used for irrigation, are also prone to water evaporation, reducing their effectiveness.


The SRIS is based on the JLS Origin concept, in which electricity generated by the solar system is used to power the water pumps that draws water from underground, channels it to the underground water tanks that acts as reservoirs for the water and it's distributed by a networks of pumps, pipes and emitters to the soil where it is needed.


Power Generation

Water Abstraction and Storage

Water Distribution


Solar Panels

The solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) panels, convert sunlight into direct current (DC) electricity. It generate power by converting photons from sunlight into electrical energy. Solar panels plays a crucial role in the power generation stage of the SRIS by harnessing renewable energy from the sun and converting it into usable electricity for the system.

Solar Charge Controller

A solar charge controller plays a crucial role in the power generation stage of the SRIS by regulating battery charging, preventing the overcharging and undercharging of batteries. It safeguards batteries from damage caused by excessive voltage, current, or temperature. It blocks reverse current flow from batteries to solar panel panels during nighttime or low-light conditions.

Solar Battery

The solar battery plays a crucial role in the power generation stage of the SRIS by storing excess energy generated by solar panels during the day for use during nighttime or cloudy days. It acts as a backup power source when the solar panels are not generating electricity. It provides additional power during peak demand periods, such as evening or morning. By storing excess energy, the batteries enable a reliable power supply.

Solar Inverter

The inverter plays a crucial role in the power generation stage of the SRIS by converting the direct current (DC) generated by the solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is used to power the water submersible and pump machines. It ensures that the AC power output matches the frequency and voltage of the water submersible and pump machines. The inverter is an essential component enabling the safe conversion of DC to AC.


The power generation components are installed in a closed well-ventilated secure building a few meters away from the where the water pump machines are installed. The components are installed to allow for efficiency and future upgrade if more power is required.

Power Requirements

The power generated meets the minimum power requirements of the water submersible and pumping machine to ensure smooth function. The total power generated depends on the total number of the submersible and water pumping machines used for both abstraction and distribution of the water. A 10KVA solar system is capable of generating 10,000 watts of electricity which is sufficient to power upto 3 water submersible machines and 3 pumping machines.


Water Boreholes

Water boreholes are narrow, deep holes drilled into the ground to access water underground. The water boreholes are sources of water for the Solar Reservoir Irrigation System (SRIS), one water borehole is capable of producing up to 20,000 - 60,000 liters of water per day. Generally, 5,000 – 20,000 liters of water is needed for SRIS to irrigate an acre of land in an hour depending on the crop type and soil texture. It is a consistent source of clean water.

Submersible Water Pump Machines

The water submersible pump is a type of pump that is submerged into the borehole to pump water from the borehole. The pumps are highly efficient, with some models achieving efficiencies of up to 90%. They require minimal maintenance as they are designed to be submerged in water. They are often more compact than traditional pumps, making them ideal for use in irrigation systems.

Underground Water Reservoir Tanks

The water abstracted from the borehole by the submersible pump machine is stored in reservoir tanks buried underground. Underground storage helps reduce visual pollution and save space making them ideal for irrigation. It is equipped with leak detection systems to prevent water loss and environmental contamination. This storage method makes the tanks less prone to tampering, vandalism, or accidental damage.


Centrifugal Water Pump Machines

The centrifugal water pumps raises the pressure of water to overcome resistance of friction in pipes and move water from the underground reservoir tanks to the location of the farmlands. They have the capacity to handle high flow rates, making them suitable for irrigation systems. They are generally more energy-efficient and more compact than other type of pumps, making them ideal for space-constrained applications.

Network of Tubes and Emitters

Through network of tubes and emitters, water from the underground storage is delivered directly to the roots of plants. A filter is used to remove debris and sediment from the water to prevent clogging the emitters. The laterals which are the tubes carry the water to the emitters and the emitters releases the water into the soil at a slow and steady rate.


The water distribution phase is design to provide an efficient and targeted way to deliver water to the plants, reducing waste and conserving valuable resources. It is designed using Drip Irrigation method which result in increased water conservation and improved overall plant health and growth.